فيتامينات للعظام والمفاصل

The consumption of vitamins in the food we eat every day plays a fundamental role in the correct growth of our organism. Because vitamins have the ability to provide a large amount of nutrients and their main function is to strengthen the various systems of the body to prevent disease.

A balanced diet can help you get plenty of vitamins for your bones and joints, so consuming dairy products, nuts, vegetables, cereals and oils in proportion will undoubtedly be of great benefit to you.

Types of vitamins

There are many vitamins that you may have heard of, and you should know that not all of them have the same properties or the same effects on the body. Vitamins are divided into two main groups: water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins.

Vitamins absorbed by bones and joints

While vitamins for bones and joints provide general benefits to the body, some are directly responsible for strengthening bones and joints. Among the main elements that cannot be missing in your daily diet are calcium and vitamin D, as they act directly on the skeletal system.

Vitamin D stands out because it is responsible for helping the body absorb calcium more efficiently, so your bones will be able to make better use of this beneficial element once it is in dairy and other foods. Vitamin C can also be a good choice, as it contributes to the production of collagen, which is very beneficial for joints.

Calcium, on the other hand, has the ability to affect bone density, preventing it from decreasing and making bones brittle. The combination of these two elements is essential to prevent the onset of osteoporosis or similar conditions.

Sources of vitamins for bones and joints

Fortunately, there are many foods that can provide you with a good amount of vitamins and calcium to naturally strengthen your skeletal system. If this is your goal, then you should include dairy products in your daily diet, as they are the main sources of calcium in the body.

Among the most prominent are yoghurt. It is best to choose those with a low level of fat. Green leafy vegetables are also high in calcium, as are some seeds or salmon and sardines.

You can also supplement your diet with nutritional supplements to provide the amount of calcium and vitamins that may be missing from your daily K2 diet.

Other vitamins good for bones.

There are other vitamins for bones and joints that can also strengthen bones, and although they do not directly affect bones, they can provide important benefits for their maintenance. Among these vitamins, we have to mention vitamin E, as it has antioxidant properties that are able to prevent ageing and keep you active for longer to perform your daily activities with more energy. 

Vitamin K contributes to the development of both the bones and the heart, and is also an excellent ally for the regulation of insulin levels in the blood and the proper functioning of the body in general.

A good diet, along with optimal nutritional supplements and a healthy lifestyle that includes daily exercise, is the right formula to maintain your bones, joints and body in general.

OsteoHelp Complex 250ml

OsteoHelp Complex contributes to maintaining bone integrity and density, besides reducing the risk of fractures and improving the lifestyle of children and adults. It contains vitamin D3 which contributes to strengthening bones and reduce the risk of fractures, and calcium that helps to strengthen the bones and increase its density. Capsules are plant-made by advanced technological means, which protect them from stomach acids and facilitate the absorption in the intestines.