The blessed month of Ramadan provides a great cleanse for both the spirit and the body. Its great benefits come with a disciplined daily routine. Even if you feel dehydrated and low in energy during fasting, your key to spending Ramadan in a healthy way is to be smart with your suhoor and breakfast menu and your daily routine.
Having a good and balanced Iftar and Suhoor is the most important thing you have to do in the Holy Month of Ramadan. A healthy Iftar will help you to sustain your fasting and replenish energy stores. You have to do some extra effort in order to consume the right foods for your body and intake good nutrients. Ramadan is a huge opportunity to develop healthy eating habits and to cleanse your body. We’ve put together five healthy tips for you to help you find a good way to break your fast and live a healthy life during Ramadan.
Tips for a healthy Suhoor and Iftar
Include Honey and Other Honeybee Products
Have some honey – it’s Sunnah! Being a natural sweetener it can help you avoid the adverse effects of refined sugar. Honey, propolis, and royal jelly all have been proven to have numerous health benefits.
If you need an extra boost, try Royal Provite 5000. One vial of this formulation of royal jelly, bee pollen, and propolis before you start your suhoor will help you cope well with stressful days.
In case your throat dries out often during your fast and becomes sore, you can try Propolsaft syrup. It combines both propolis and honey and works well for respiratory infections and nasal congestion too.
Avoid Foods that Make You Thirsty
If you need to keep the thirst at bay, avoid salty foods, spicy foods, refined sugar, excessive caffeine, asparagus, protein-heavy diets, deep-fried foods, and herbal supplements during suhoor.
Try to make your favourite after receipts at home by stewing, baking, roasting, steaming or grilling and avoid frying. You need to stay away from the foods high in fat, salt and sugar as much as you can. Give healthy food to your body and it will give you a healthy life.
Whole Grains Are Your Best Friends
Whole grains are a natural, more beneficial substitute to processed cereals with high sugar content. Try some whole grain bread or muesli for suhoor – the high fibre content will keep you full during the day.
Dates are another popular suhoor option, being high in fibre as well as carbohydrates, essential vitamins, and minerals like potassium.
Stay Hydrated without overfilling
Include a portion of fruits and vegetables rich in water, fiber, and minerals as part of your meal. Their water content along with natural sugars will keep you hydrated and energized.
Try drinking water at a lukewarm temperature to ease digestion. Two 8-ounce glasses of water at suhoor should be good enough to get you through the day.
Balance your meal with proteins and fats
We have already recommended carbs (honey products and whole grain items), fruits, and vegetables. For a balanced diet, you’ll need some healthy protein and fat as well.
Eggs, dairy, and steak are good protein options. A small portion of nuts, a portion of whole milk, cottage cheese, or unsalted butter are healthy fat sources from basic foods.
Vary what you are eating
Sticking to the same kind of food during Ramadan will not give enough nutrients to your body. Always try to vary your food intake to provide all essential nutrients to your body. And for additional health-related benefits, always vary your Iftar selections within your month or week. You are fasting every single day so your body will lack some essential minerals and components, which means it can be more vulnerable to diseases if you are not taking the right food. Add some amount of Propolsaft it will protect you from diseases during Ramadan and defence your body from antibacterial activities and plays a key role in immuno-modulation.
Get rid of gas and cramps in the month of Ramadan
During fasting, some people may suffer from excessive gases and flatulence in the abdomen, so it is very necessary to take care of the food that we eat, drink water frequently between breakfast and suhoor and sleep for enough hours. In addition, we can use activated charcoal, which has many benefits for the human body, in the form of a food supplement.
MARNYS® NeoCarbon enhances the performance of the digestive system optimally, which reduces the feeling of discomfort caused by flatulence and stomach cramps, and thanks to the interaction of its natural components (mint and anise), it contributes to the reduction of increased gas and intestinal cramps.